Friday, January 8, 2010


(1) Opinion
Westerners : Talk to the point.
Asians : Talk around in circles, especially if opinions differ.

(2) Way of Life
Westerners: Individualism - think of himself or herself.
Asians: Enjoy gatherings with family and friends, solving their problems, and know each other's business.

(3) Punctuality
Westerners : On time.
Asians : In time.

(4) Contacts
Westerners : Contact related person only.
Asians : Contact everyone everywhere, business very successful.

(5) Anger
Westerners : Show that I am angry.
Asians : I am angry, but still smiling... (beware!)

(6) Queue when Waiting

Westerners : Queuing in an orderly manner.
Asians : Queuing? What's that?

(7) Sundays on the Road
Westerners : Enjoy weekend relaxing peacefully.
Asians : Enjoy weekend in crowded places, like going to the mall.

(8) Party
Westerners : Only gather with their own group.
Asians : All focus on the one activity that is hosted by the CEO.

(9) In the restaurant

Westerners : Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.
Asians : Talk and laugh loudly like they own the restaurant.

(10) Travelling

Westerners : Love sightseeing and enjoy the scenery.
Asians : Taking pictures is most important; scenery is just for the background.

(11) Handling of Problems

Westerners : Take any steps to solve the problems.
Asians : Try to avoid conflicts, and if can, don't leave any trail.

(12) Three meals a day
Westerners : A good meal once a day is sufficient.
Asians : At least 3 good meals a day.

(13) Transportation
Westerners : In the past, they drove cars. Now, they cycle to protect the environment.
: In the past, not enough money and rode on bicycles. Now, got enough money and so drive cars.

(14) Elderly in day-to-day life

Westerners : When old, there is doggy for companionship.
Asians : When old, guarantee will not be lonely so long willing to babysit grandchildren.

(15) Moods and Weather
Westerners : The logic is: rain is pain.
Asians : More rain, more prosperity.

(16) The Boss
Westerners : The boss is part of the team.
Asians : The boss is a fierce God.

(17) What's Trendy

Westerners : Eat healthy Asian cuisine.
Asians : Eat expensive Western cuisine.

(18) The Child

Westerners : The kid is going to be independent and make his/her own living.
Asians : Slog whole life for the kid, the centre of your life.

  • what do you think??? Is it all true?? 50% true? 100% false?? haha


nisah said...

aku ske yg part anger 2...

Nurul Ain said...

o0o mcm ni ye perbezaan dye..xtahu la betul ke x..kne buat partial differential equation dulu kot..wuwu..


miza said...

ak 100% la agree...
except me..

^_s::a::s::a_^ said...

nisah : aku pun suke... cam real jew kn.. eyh, bkn macam lagi..but it's reality.. huhuhu

nurul ain : bunyi mcm b'mnt jew nk wat diff eq tu.. sile3~ hik3..

miza : owh..adakah ini miza rumeteku di matrik dulu.. hihihi.. OOooo..ko termasuk lam senarai b'kecuali r eyh?? hahaha

miza said...

akulah bdk comey itu..
skg neh ak da jd ko nyer pembaca blog yg setia tau...
bangga x...
oleh itu..sllu la update..
so ak akn tau cter ko..
mish u..

^_s::a::s::a_^ said...

miza : owh...bangganye aku~ hik3... thanks sudi singgah di blog ini... miss u too!!! bilalah kita nak jumpa lagi yew~ -XOXO-

Anonymous said...

mcm 90% betol!! hahaha

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